Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mit master of architecture thesis

Mit master of architecture thesis

mit master of architecture thesis

These lists are graduate alumni who produced either a dissertation or a thesis within or related to the HTC discipline or are AKPIA SMArchS students. The thesis supervisor or committee chair is listed in parenthesis after each document title. (Current HTC and AKPIA students are in the people section.)Subgroup codes next to a document title refer to the departmental funding line The SMArchS degree is awarded after all the degree requirements have been met, and after two copies of the approved, archival-ready thesis have been submitted to the headquarters of the Department of Architecture by the Institute deadline for master's theses as published in the MIT Academic Calendar. Consult the SMArchS Degree Administrator to confirm the thesis The core of the MArch thesis is architecture design. Students enroll in Preparation for MArch Thesis () during their next-to-last term of registration. The result of this 9-unit subject is a thesis proposal. The MArch thesis committee is composed of three members

SMArchS Design | MIT Architecture

These lists are undergraduate and graduate alumni who produced either a dissertation or a thesis within or related to the Design and Computation discipline. The thesis supervisor or committee chair is listed in parenthesis after each document title. Current Computation graduate students are in the people section. Au, Kristinweb page … BSADdocument title: Animation: 2D Versus 3D and Their Combined Effect Takehiko Nagakura. Bogoev, Liaweb page … BSAS IV-Bdocument title: A Taxonomy of Participatory Design Products in Architecture George Stiny.

Boonbanjerdsri, Kimberlee … BSADdocument title: Capsule Homes: A Space Within a Space Lawrence Sass. Chang, Joieweb page … BSAdocument title: Designing in Virtual Reality: Tools with the Human Field of Vision Takehiko Nagakura. Deshmane, mit master of architecture thesis, Anisha … BSADdocument title: Imaginative Procedural Modeling: Automated 3D Generation and Rendering of Stylized Building Designs Terry Knight. Huang, Linlinweb page … BSADdocument title: A Design Visualization Machine: An Agile Prototype for Architectural Plans on Finite Grid Takehiko Nagakura.

Luciano, Davidweb page … BSADdocument title: Shape Grammar for Medical Injectors George Stiny. Ray, Crystal … BSADdocument title: Archigram: Architecture Inside Out Lawrence Sass.

Ray, Tiandraweb page … BSADdocument title: Design for Mental Health: Integrating Daylight and Nature into Campus Spaces Lawrence Sass. Skupniewicz, Henry … BSADdocument title: A Di-Alogue Craft George Stiny. Snyder, James … BSADmit master of architecture thesis, document title: A Computational Design Analysis and Generation of R. Schindler Houses Terry Knight. Tang, Yueweb page … BSADdocument title: Digital Palettes: Assessing Cultural and Industry Specific Color Usage in Website Design Terry Knight.

Whisby, Afiya … BSADmit master of architecture thesis title: Architecture of Oppression: Slave Fortresses and Their Relevance to Contemporary American Urban Prison Lawrence Sass. Yang, Yang … BSADdocument title: A Musical Wearable: Integrating Electronics into Clothing Terry Knight and Leah Buechley. Choi, Joshuaweb page … MArchmit master of architecture thesis, document title: Democratic Play: Crowd-Sourcing through Games for Architectural Design Takehiko Nagakura.

Fisher, Derek … MArchdocument title: Ground Zero William Mitchell and Andrew Scott. Gealy, Rachel … MArchdocument title: Urbanizing the American Dream: Symbiotic Mit master of architecture thesis for Baltimore Kent Larson.

Kwon, Kyoung Eun … MArchdocument title: Filmic Architecture: On Motion Perspective in an Architectural Synthesis Takehiko Nagakura. Li, Danmit master of architecture thesis, web page … MArchdocument title: Fluid Atmospheres: Adaptive Interplay between Natural and Artificial Light Projection Takehiko Nagakura. Liao, Nancy Han … MArchdocument title: Complexly Curvlinear Surfaces in Composite Materials William Mitchell.

Nelson, Maggie … MArchdocument title: Re-imagining the Maison Tropicale: a 21st century prefabricated building system inspired by Jean Prouve' Lawrence Sass. Park, Kat … MArchdocument title: Reinterpretation of space in a networked community William Mitchell and William Porter. Park, Sung-o … MArchdocument title: A Design Strategy for Transforming an Old Power Plant into a Cultural Center Kent Larson.

Patel, Sayjel Vijayweb page … MArchdocument title: 3-DJ: Sampling As Design Skylar Tibbits. Rosenberg, Alice … MArchdocument title: Planning Ahead -- The Emergence of Clean Energy Technology Kent Larson. Sheehan, Travisweb page … MArchdocument title: The Urban Design of Distributed Energy Resources Kent Larson and Dennis Frenchman.

Sun, Mengweb page … MArchdocument title: Cyberspace as a Memory Container Takehiko Nagakura. Tang, Pui Wan Pearl … MArchdocument title: Revealing Expressive Spaces - transformation of a former quarry to a dancers' retreat center William Porter.

Willis, Robin C … MArchdocument title: Feather Weights: Rapid Redeployable Structures for Interim Use Kent Larson. Yoo, Hyunjoonweb page … MArchdocument title: Infotecture: Space as Void, Solid, and Activity Information Takehiko Nagakura. Zhang, Xuweb page … MArchdocument title: Conversation On Saving a Historical Community: A Participatory Renewal and Preservation Platform Takehiko Nagakura.

Akbarzadeh, Masoudweb page Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA … SMArchSdocument title: Designing Performative Surfaces: Computational Interpretation of Flow Pattern Drawings Takehiko Nagakura. Aparicio, Germanweb page Project Manager, Gehry Technologies, Inc … SMArchSdocument title: Holzbau: Timber Construction and Material Information Exchanges for the Design of Complex Geometrical Structures Lawrence Sass. Araya, Sergioweb page Professor and Dean, School of Design, Universidad Aldolpho Ibáňez … SMArchSdocument title: Parametric Constructs: Computational Designs for Digital Fabrication Ann Pendleton-Jullian received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Arida, Saeedweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Contextualizing Generative Design Terry Knight. Ariza, Inesweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Decoding Details: Integrating Physics of Assembly in Discrete Element Structures Caitlin Müeller.

As, Imdat … SMArchSdocument title: Emergent Design: Rethinking of contemporary mosque architecture in light of digital technology Takehiko Nagakura. Bacharidou, Maroulaweb page Teaching Fellow, MIT Architecture SMArchSdocument title: Active prototyping : a computational framework for designing while making Terry Knight.

Bernal, Guillermoweb page Physical Computing Designer, MIT Mobile Experience Laboratory … SMArchSdocument title: Learning from Master's Muscles: EMG-Based Bio-Feedback Tool for Augmenting Manual Fabrication and Crafting Takehiko Nagakura and Federico Casalegno.

Blain, Johanne Personal Care Attendant, Cerebral Palsy of Massachusetts … SMArchSdocument title: Translations of Culture and Identity: A Study of Internet Use In the Haitian Community William Mitchell.

Botha, Marcelweb page PartnerMutopo … SMArchSdocument title: Customized Digital Manufacturing: Concept to Construction Methods across Varying Product Scales Lawrence Sass. Can, Eddieweb page Lead Designer, Zaha Hadid Architects … SMArchSdocument title: Choreographic Assemblages: An Archaeology of Movement and Space Stanford Anderson and Joan Jonas.

Cardoso Llach, Danielweb page Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University … SMArchSdocument title: A Generative Grammar for 2D Manufacturing of 3D Objects Lawrence Sass and Terry Knight received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, mit master of architecture thesis. Carlsson, Moaweb page PhD Student, Massachustts Institute of Technology … SMArchSdocument title: Stratified, Destratified, and Hybrid GIS: Organizing a Cross-Disciplinary Territory for Design George Stiny.

Charles, Patrick P. Chatzitsakyris, Panagiotisweb mit master of architecture thesis Principal, 0. Chen, Shouheng Principal, Shouheng Design and Technology, Toronto, Canada … SMArchSdocument title: Embedding Methods for Massing and Detail in Computer Generated Design of Skyscrapers -- Exploration through Examples of Cesar Pelli's Projects Takehiko Nagakura.

Chen, Xiaoji Interaction Designer II, Xbox … SMArchSdocument title: Seeing Differently: Cartography for Subjective Maps Based on Dynamic Urban Data Takehiko Nagakura and Carlo Ratti. Chen, Naichunweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Urban Data Mining: Social Media Data Analysis as a Complementary Tool for Urban Design Kent Larson and Takehiko Nagakura. Cheng, Chin-Yiweb page Research Scientist, Autodesk … SMArchSdocument title: Interactive Design Process Based on Augmented Intelligence: A Framework and Toolkit for Designers to Interact and Collaborate with AI Alogritms Takehiko Nagakura.

Cheung, Kennethweb page Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center … SMArchSdocument title: Understanding Behavior with Ubiquitous Computing for Mit master of architecture thesis Design Tools Kent Larson.

Chiu, Shih-Sang … SMArchSdocument title: Trig'r: Collective Perception of Architecture Terry Knight. Cho, Min-Jung … SMArchSdocument title: Workspace in Transition: Rethinking Workspace through the Design of Reconfigurable Work Surfaces Takehiko Nagakura.

Choi, Joshuaweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Merging Three Spaces: Designing User Interface UI in Virtual Reality VR for Spatial Design Takehiko Nagakura. Choma, Josephweb page Assistant Professor, Clemson University … SMArchSdocument title: A Pedagogical Guide into Trigonometric Transformations George Stiny.

Corem, Yanivweb page Mis Chief Design Officer, YCXD, Haifa, Israel … SMArchSdocument title: UDesign Mit master of architecture thesis a User-centered Architecture Kent Larson and Una-May O'Reilly. De Biswas, Kaustuvweb page Co-Founder, VibrantData … SMArchSdocument title: Mit master of architecture thesis Computational Model of Visual Interpretation Terry Knight, mit master of architecture thesis.

Demchak, Gregory Director of Product Management, Synchro Mit master of architecture thesis Ltd … SMArchSdocument title: Towards a Post-Industrial Architecture: Design and Construction of Houses for the Information Age William Mitchell. Dessi-Olive, Jonathanweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Computing with Matter, Shapes and Forces: Toward Material and Structural Mit master of architecture thesis in Architecture George Stiny and John Ochsendorf.

Dimas, Anastasios Senior BIM Manager, iTech Management Consultancy, UAE … SMArchSdocument title: D-work Innovation: Where, When and in Which Social Context Do Good Ideas Evolve in the Distributed Work Environment of Knowledge Workers?

Kent Larson. Dritsas, Stylianosweb page Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design … SMArchSdocument mit master of architecture thesis Design Operators William Porter, mit master of architecture thesis.

Duarte, José Pintoweb page Associate Professor, Technical University of Lisbon … SMArchSdocument title: Order and Diversity within a Modular System for Housing: A Computational Approach William Mitchell. Dutta, Projjal Director, Sustainability Initiatives, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NYC … SMArchSdocument title: Moksha: Design of Disposable Objects for Second Uses as Construction Components William Mitchell.

El-Khaldi, Maher PhD Candidate, Simon University, British Columbia, Canada … SMArchSdocument title: Mapping Boundaries of Generative Systems for Design Synthesis George Stiny received a MS. Arch from Georgia Institute of Technology.

El-Zanfaly, Dinaweb page PhD Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology … SMArchSdocument title: Active Shapes: Introducing Guidelines for Designing Kinetic Architectural Structures Terry Knight.

Elbaum, mit master of architecture thesis, Meredith President, The Elbaum Group … SMArchSdocument title: BridgeGreen: Bridging the Disconnect Between Design Professionals and Resources for Environmentally, Socially, and Economically Responsive Architecture John Fernandez. Ewing, Phillipweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Interactive Phototherapy: Integrating Photomedicine into Interactive Architecture Kent Larson.

Fan, Janet Director, Workplace Strategy, CBRE, Beijing City, Mit master of architecture thesis … SMArchSdocument title: Learning Environment Assessment William Porter.

Fasoulaki, Eleftheria Architect Engineer, ELEF Architects … SMArchSdocument title: Integrated Design: A Generative Multi-Performative Design Approach Terry Knight.

Feng, Keruweb page Co-President, ecotectour, Suttgart, Germany … SMArchSdocument title: The Ethos in The Form Making of Grand Projects in Contemporary Beijing City William Porter. Fox, Michael A, mit master of architecture thesis. Gane, Victor CEO, AestheticLink, Menlo Park, CA … SMArchSdocument title: Parametric Design: A Paradigm Shift? William Porter received a PhD from Stanford University.

Gao, Yuweb page Real Estate Salesperson, Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty … SMArchSdocument title: Self-Organized Collaboration: A Self-Evolving Online Collaborative Production Model for Social Enterprise Grassroots Startups George Stiny. Gazit, Meravweb page … SMArchSdocument title: Living Matter: Biomaterials for Design and Architecture Terry Knight.

Goldklang, Shaulweb page Project Manager, Adam America Real Estate … SMArchSdocument title: Mass-Customization in Commercial Real Estate: How the Mit master of architecture thesis Industry Can Help Us Create Beautiful Buildings that Add Value George Stiny. Griffith, Kenfieldweb page CEO, mSurvey … SMArchSdocument title: Design Computing of Complex-Curved Geometry using Digital Fabrication Methods Lawrence Sass received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Gun, Onur Yuceweb page Computational Geometry Specialist, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, New York … SMArchSdocument title: Narration of Light: Computational Tools for Framing the Tonal Imagination Takehiko Nagakura.

Gunji, AkiraFogarty Finger Architecture PLLC … SMArchSdocument title: Inferring Design Environment IDE : ' Re shaping a Design Pattern as a Learning Process' Terry Knight. He, mit master of architecture thesis, Shanweb page Software Engineer, Data Visualization, Uber, San Francisco, CA … SMArchSdocument title: Mapping Urban Perception: How Do We Know Where We Are? Takehiko Nagakura and Carlo Ratti. Hoang, Han Maiweb page General Director, The BIM Factory, Vietnam … SMArchSdocument title: Automated Construction Technologies: Analyses and Future Development Strategies Lawrence Sass.

Hovsepian, Sarahweb page Director, FABWorks, University of California, Irvine … SMArchSdocument title: Digital Material Skins: For Reversible Reusable Pressure Vessels Terry Knight and Neil Gershenfeld.

Ingram, Joshweb page Software Developer, Objecutive, San Antonio, TX … SMArchSdocument title: [A]Sorted Selection: Improving Building Performance and Diversity Using a New Form of Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm Terry Knight and Una-May O'Reilly. Kalenja, Mit master of architecture thesisweb page Project Architect, Eco Offsite, Palo Alto, CA … SMArchSdocument title: The Hard Hat and the Hand-Held: Communication with Hand-Held Computing in the Construction Process Terry Knight and Takehiko Nagakura.

Kamath, Ayodhweb page Assistant Professor, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI … SMArchSdocument title: Integrating Digital Design and Fabrication with Craft Production Terry Knight.

Kardasis, Ari Partner, Space Inch, Brooklyn, NY … SMArchSdocument title: The Soft Grid Terry Knight. Kashyap, Sameer Director, Parametric Design, mit master of architecture thesis, Ghery Technologies, Los Angeles, CA … SMArchSdocument title: Digital Making: Exploring Design with Computer Controlled Fabrication William Porter and Lawrence Sass.

Kassner, Moritzweb page Chief Executive Officer and Partner, Pupil Labs, Germany … SMArchSdocument title: PUPIL: Constructing the Space of Visual Attention Terry Knight and Patrick Winston. Keel, Paul Research Scientist, Collaborative Sense-Making, Massachusetts Institute of Technology … SMArchSdocument title: Process and Relation Analysis: Capturing Architectural Thought William Porter. Kilian, Axelweb page Assistant Professor, Princeton University … SMArchSdocument title: Defining Digital Space Through a Visual Language William Mitchell received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Kirschner, Michaelweb pageAutoDesk … SMArchSdocument title: Visual Programming in Three Dimensions: Visual Representations of Computational Mental Models George Stiny.

M. Arch. Thesis. Final Presentation: Christian Iannantuono

, time: 1:02:49

Dissertations + Theses | MIT Architecture

mit master of architecture thesis

Program of research and writing of thesis; to be arranged by the student with supervising committee Dissertations + Theses. These lists are undergraduate and graduate alumni who produced either a dissertation or a thesis within or related to the Design and Computation discipline. The thesis supervisor or committee chair is listed in parenthesis after each document title. (Current Computation graduate students are in the people section.) The Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS) is a two-year program of advanced study founded on research and inquiry in architecture as a discipline and as a practice. Students pursue work in one of six areas of concentration, with opportunities to explore connections across these areas and beyond to other programs and departments at MIT

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